Do you want to Help?

Report bugs

If you've found a problem with Alchemy, we want to hear about it. We would appreciate it if you would file a bug report.

Help us code

If you have a basic knowledge of software design are proficient with C++, XML, or Python, you are welcome to modify Alchemy to suit your needs. If you would like to contribute back upstream, please create a pull request via BitBucket. Be prepared to discuss your changes when you are asked about them. When coding, please follow the Linden Lab Coding StandardAdherence to these conventions is critical to ensuring your code remains readable and maintainable.

Write documentation

Although we strive to make Alchemy intuitive and easy to use, it's always helpful to have documentation available. Unfortunately, we don't usually have time to write both Alchemy code and the user manual. We prefer concentrating on the code. However, all is not lost, as anyone can apply to be a Wiki Editor, just drop us a line in HipChat. We require wiki editors to be fluent in English. Once approved, please only create or edit pages when you have something useful to contribute.


If you are fluent in more than one language, you can help an enormous amount of people by helping us translate the viewer into other languages. It just takes a basic understanding of XML and, well, knowing English and another language. We'll help you out because this is something we are unable to do ourselves. Please contact us in HipChat to learn how you can help.